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To provide effective regulatory control in the utilisation of radiation and nuclear technology for social economic development


Safe and Secure and Peaceful utilisation of  Nuclear Technology

Core Values

  • Professionalism
  • Integrity
  • Consistency
  • Teamwork
  • Innovation

Welcome to Kenya Nuclear Regulatory Authority.

Kenya Nuclear Regulatory Authority is a body corporate on radiation protection, nuclear safety, nuclear security, nuclear safeguards and non-ionizing radiation. KNRA hosts the EU-CBRN Regional Secretariat for the Eastern and Central African Centres of Excellence (CoE) Initiative, comprising 12 member states.

Our Tweets

A workshop attended by State agencies responsible for ensuring safety in Kenya’s nuclear power programme ended in Nairobi, with calls for enhanced cooperation.

Senior management @knrakenya hosted officials from the Public Service Performance Management Unit (PSPMU) at the Authority’s Kasneb Towers headquarters.
The PSPMU team conducted the 20th cycle annual performance review for KNRA for the 2023-2024 period.


Experts from the @iaeaorg are leading a workshop in Nairobi, bringing together key State agencies responsible for ensuring safety in Kenya’s nuclear power programme.



The Kenya Nuclear Regulatory Authority - KNRA invites sealed Request for Supply, Delivery & Installation of Laboratory Equipment as detailed in the tender document that can be obtained at https://knra.co.ke/tenders-2/

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Our Strategic Objectives

  1. To strengthen the Regulatory Framework for the effective control of radiation sources,
    radioactive waste management and nuclear technology.
  2. To protect persons, society and the environment from the hazards associated with the use of
    radiation and nuclear technology.
  3. To strengthen national capability for responding to a radiological or nuclear emergency.
  4. Strengthen national, regional and international partnerships in radiation safety and nuclear


Radiation Protection service providers


Licence facility


Radiation workers


Regional Offices