The Nuclear Regulatory Act No. 29 of 2019 applies to “Authorized Person” who undertake “activities” related to nuclear facilities, radiation facilities or dealing with radiation sources.

Section 2 of the Act defines “activity” as the production, use, import and export of radiation sources for industrial, research and medical purposes; the transportation of radioactive material; the siting, construction, commissioning, operation, and decommissioning of facilities; radioactive waste management activities and site remediation.

“Authorized Person” is defined as a holder, whether natural or corporate, of a valid authorization for a specified activity.

We administer authorizations for “activities” related to nuclear facilities, radiation facilities or dealing with radiation sources.

Section 2 of the Act defines “authorization” as the granting by the Authority of a written   permission for an authorized person to perform a specified activity and includes a licence, permit, registration and approval.

What activities require authorization

The following activities related to nuclear or radiation facilities require authorization:

  • Site preparation for a nuclear or radiation facility
  • Construction of a nuclear and radiation facility
  • Possession of a nuclear facility, radiation facility, nuclear material or radiation source
  • Operating of nuclear or radiation facility
  • Use of radiation source or nuclear material
  • Decommissioning of nuclear or radiation facilities.
  • Activities related to radioactive waste management and disposal
  • Import/export of nuclear materials, radiation sources
  • Transport of nuclear materials or radiation sources
  • Mining and milling of uranium, thorium or radioactive materials.
  • Manufacturing and production of nuclear or radioactive materials
  • Selling and installation of radiation sources
  • Offering Radiation Protection Services to licencees

Term “facility” is defined in section 2 of the Act.

It is important to note that you do not have to own a nuclear facility, radiation facility, nuclear material, or radiation source to require licence or authorization. If you are in doubt, please contact KENRA.

How does one apply for authorization or licence

A person or entity which wishes to apply for an authorization should complete a prescribed application form, making reference to the associated regulatory guide. The forms are available on our website.

Where do I send duly filled application form(s)

Duly filled licence application, supporting documents and relevant application fee should be sent to:

Director General

Kenya Nuclear Regulatory Authority

P.O. Box 19841 – 00202



physical delivery at any of our offices.


What will be taken into account when assessing the application?

Criteria of assessment is based on:

  • Principles of radiation protection: Justification, Optimization, Dose Limitation
  • Principles of security of radioactive material
  • International Best Practices

In brief, the Authority will consider the following during the assessment of your application:

  • Has the applicant shown a capacity to comply with the Act, regulations and licence conditions?
  • Does the application include all the information asked for by the Authority?
  • Does the information provided establish that the radiation devices, radioactive material or the practice will be dealt with without undue risk to the safety and security of persons and the environment?
  • Has the applicant shown that the likelihood of potential exposures will be as low as reasonably achievable?
Licence Application Fees

Refer to the third schedule of the Legal Notice No. 160 or consult the Authority

Licensing Application Forms

Application for Registration and Licence to Deal/ Import / Export/Transport Irradiating Device or Radioactive Material

Application for Registration and/or Licence to Possess or Use Irradiating Device/Radioactive Material

Application for Disposal of an Irradiating Device/ Radioactive Material/Waste

Application for Registration and/or Licensing of Radiation Workers

Application for Registration and/or Certification of Service Provider

Application for Registration/Licensing/Certification for Any Other Purpose