The Kenyan Delegation was led by the PS Energy Mr. Alex Wachira, Nyeri Senator Sen. Wahome Wamatinga , KNRA Board Chairman Hon.. Edick E.O Anyanga. Also In attendance were NUPEA CEO Eng. Collins Juma and the Director General KNRA, Mr. James Keter
The study tour provided participants with;
(i) hands-on examples of scientific and engineered measures focused on two major global security themes: 1) technical support for treaty verification and 2) securing chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive (CBRNE) materials.
(ii) an integrated nuclear security system including mock facilities that demonstrate the graded approach and will soon be updated to include a mock SMR (SMART)
– Integrated Security Facility (ISF)
– Sandia Pulse Reactor (SPR)
– Gamma Irradiating Facility (GIF)
(iii) SNL’s current research into thermal-to-electric power conversion technology in a configuration called the recompression closed Brayton cycle (RCBC) that uses sCO2 as the working fluid, rather than steam.
(IV) how delay mechanisms are created and the latest developments in physical delay, as SMR plants will likely need enhanced delay mechanisms in their physical security systems because of smaller plant size and off-site response forces
The Kenyan delegation also held a Meeting with Interagency Partners:
– U.S. Department of Energy
– U.S. Department of Commerce
– U.S. Trade and Development Agency
– National Nuclear Security Administration
The Kenyan delegation held a bilateral meeting with NRC Chair Hanson on NRC International Activities among others.