The Board of Directors appointed Mr James Keter Chumba through legal transition to be the substantive Director General for three years effective October 12, 2023.
The appointment is in accordance with Section 99 (2)(b) of Transition Provisions of the Nuclear Regulatory Act, No. 29 of 2019.
Mr. Keter has been serving as the Acting Director General of KNRA since March 2, 2023. The board and KNRA employees take this early opportunity to congratulate Mr. Keter. He has served for more than 20 years as a regulator in the former Radiation Protection Board and has risen through the ranks to be at the top management of the Authority.
“We have set our sights on target. Together with the competent KNRA team, we will do our best to execute the mandate of the authority which is protection of persons and the environment,” Mr Keter said.