FOUR (4) POSTS Vacancy No. KNRA/25/2023
This is the entry and training grade for this cadre. An officer at this level will work under supervision of a senior officer.

Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable
For appointment to this Grade an officer must have:

i.             Diploma any of the following fields: – Analytical Chemistry, Applied Chemistry, Forensic Science, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering or any other relevant and equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
ii.            Proficiency in computer applications; and
iii.           Fulfilled the requirements of Chapter 6 of the Constitution.

Duties and Responsibilities
i.             Capturing data on radiation exposures, contamination and airborne radioactivity;
ii.            Receiving, labelling, and keeping custody of samples for nuclear forensics;
iii.           Maintaining a log of radiation detection equipment and instrumentation;
iv.           Keeping records of radiation sources, dose exposures, and unusual occurrences; and
v.            Receiving and documenting the environmental impact assessment reports.

Interested candidates who match the requirement for this position should fill & submit the Employment Application Form provided
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