Mr. Shadrack Anthony Kiti
Ag. Director Licensing and Standards

Mr Shadrack Anthony Kiti has a Master’s Degree in Nuclear Power Plants Engineering from
KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School (KINGS), South Korea, a Master’s Degree in Nuclear & Quantum Engineering, from Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology(KAIST), South Korea; a Master’s Degree in International Nuclear Safety from Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS), South Korea and Masters of Science (MSc) in Nuclear Physics from Jomo Kenyatta University Agriculture, Science & Technology.

Mr Kiti also has Bachelors of Science Degree in Physics from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture, Science  Technology, a Diploma in Nuclear International Law from Universite de Montpellier un, International School of Nuclear Law, France and a Diploma in Human Resource Management Part1 from Kenya Institute of Management. Additionally, he has done short management courses such as Senior Management Course; Strategic Leadership Development Program; and Prosecution course from the Kenya School of Government.

Furthermore, Mr Kiti has done some short professional courses such as postgraduate course in Radiation Protection from the University of Nairobi (UoN) and Radiological Leadership for Safety from the Universite Cote d’ AZur, Nice, France.

He participates in different Technical Working Groups (TWGs) in Siting, Radiation Protection, Research Reactor, Reactor Technology Assessment, Radioactive Waste Management, and Regulation formulation. He has published more than 10 papers in international recognised journals. Mr
Kiti has participated in many short International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) training courses in nuclear-related areas.