Professor Michael Lavi Muia was appointed as Independent Board Director of KNRA Board on 13th July, 2022.
He holds B.Sc., MSc. degrees in Physics from the University of Nairobi, as well as a Ph.D in Physics, awarded with Great Distinction, from the University of Antwerp (U.I.A) in Belgium.
Professor of Nuclear Physics of twenty –eight (28) years standing since first appointment as Associate Professor by Egerton University in 1995, and later Full Professor in both Egerton (EU) and Technical Universityof Kenya (TUK).
He has been an I.A.E.A Fellow and Regular Associate of the Abdus Salam I.C.T.P in Trieste, Italy for seven (7) years. In a working career spanning forty (40) years, during which he taught Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Sciences to generations of students, he has acquired vast knowledge and experience in teaching, Research, Management and Administration of key Public Universities. He also served as the founding Executive Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology of The Technical University of Kenya for a period of five (5) years. He is currently Academic Team Leader in Basic and Fundamental Physics, as well as Program Leader and member of the Medical Physics Program in the Department of Physics and Space Sciences at the Technical University of Kenya.